Monday, April 4, 2011

Seventh Blog

           Well Track One of Intro to IHOP is over. I've been here for three months now and can say that just in these three months my life has been completely changed. God has spoken to me given me strength, confidence, reassured me of who I am, started to reveal his plans for me, started to reveal himself to me, taken care of all my needs, he has opened my eyes to how he works in my life, he has answered many of my prayers. The in time all my prayers will be answered. After all his heart is my heart so the things that are on my heart to pray for are really things that are on his heart. So all I have to do is ask for the things that our on this heart and of course he will answer them and bring them to pass because they are in line with his heart and his will.
            By the way one of my roommates moved out cause he got married. So if anybody knows anyone looking into trying out IHOP for a season I got a place you can stay.
            I really want to thank everyone for all the support you have giving me here and back in Indiana. I miss everybody back home so much wish we could hang out friends and family hope you are all doing well. There one of my friends that spoke more words of encouragement to me during the hardest times of getting to where I am today. This was during the time when I first stopped drinking. Everybody around me gave me tons of support and respected my decision and I am eternally greatful to all. This one friend how ever gave me more confidence then any other friend. His name is Brandon Chupp  and I know he will probably not read this so someone pass it on to him for me. Brandon and I have been friends for 15 years but have known each other since elementary school. Our journeys thought life have been identical in many ways. We have been through many good times together and many bad times together. I have made many mistakes regarding our friendship. Not to mention all the other mistakes I've made in life we can talk about that another time. I hope Brandon can forgive me for the mistakes I've made and trust that everything will work out one way or the other. The only part of life that Brandon has not been a big part of is the part of life I'm going through now. Brandon is one of the most hard working, strong and fun loving people I know. He is also not afraid to do anything and is very smart. I can only pray that Brandon will use these gifts along with all the others God gave him to chase after God and devote his life to God.
            With that being said it has been on my heart for some time now since before I came to IHOP even. To all my friends, family and even people I never really got along with. I pray (Ephesians 1: 17-19) I keep asking that the God of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope in which he has called you, the riches of the glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe....
            For the most part this prayer means that I am asking God to give you understanding of his heart, mind and will. to understand his inner most thoughts. So that you will team up with him and walk with him. Also that you may understand who you are in Christ. How much he loves you and desires you and wants you to rule with him in the next age when Heaven comes down to earth. Also that you would understand the power that you have as a follower of Christ to change the nations with your prayers, heal the sick, the gift of prophesy which is extremely important when it comes to hearing God. These are only a few of the gifts that are available to us. (John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.)
            Coming to know God more has brought me more joy and hope then I could ever imagine. However coming to know God has also brought a great burden to me. This burden involves everyone I've come to know in my life. This unquestionable reality of heaven and hell really makes you think not only about yourself but even more so about others. Lustful thoughts really are the same thing as adultery hate really is the same thing as murder etc... God isn't messing around here you may think you are going to heaven maybe you are but I invite you to ask God to bring anything to mind that he has against you. If nothing comes to mind you are being deceived by satan ask again. Even those that have been believers for years. I heard a statistic not to long ago that probably 5% of all the people in history went to heaven. How sure are you that you will go to heaven. We always need to be checking ourselves asking God to speak to us and guide us. The moment you think your good probably means you are being deceived by satan. Jesus died for us and that is exactly what God wants us to do for him. I realize that most of the people that will read this already believe but still need to search themselves me included. The people I am most concerned with will probably never read this. I am speaking of those who either believe there is a God but do not live according to what Jesus taught or have must of a spiritual relationship with him or ones who just don't believe at all. This is where prayer comes in cause sometimes we can't reach people so we rely on God to do it by asking him for it. So I ask you to pray for others every weekly, daily or just when ever they come to mind. It doesn't have to be long just pray what in your heart and believe that what is in your heart is exactly what God wants you to pray. Then believe beyond a doubt that God will answer it. You may not see results right away but rest assured God is working on them on the inside so keep praying. God will give you little hints that he is working in there lives. Think who do you know that looks for happiness in things that are not of God T.V., drugs,sex, indulgence in food etc... God wants us to look to him for happiness on all occasions. It may not bring instant happiness like some things give us but that instant happiness isn't true happiness it is only to mask our true feels. Gods happiness may take a little longer sometimes but its cause God is helping us work through things so in turn we are stronger and can help other people. Sometimes if it is pain in our hearts God allows us to feel it so we remember that pain that way we might not do what ever cause that pain in the first place. Who has anger, bitterness, hate, jealously in there lives? Pray for them.
            I realize what I am writing may be a bunch of disconnect thoughts but I hope I am making sense and not jumping all over the place to much. I am just writing this stuff as is comes to mind so bare with me I don't have much idea of where this started or where it will end up.
            This stuff has just really been a burden on my heart. I can't express the joy it would bring me if the people that have been apart of my life could share the amazing journey I'm on. You don't have to be here to join me either you can do it from where even you are. Just devote time to God except that he is in control and give your life to him. One of the things that will help the most is get rid of your T.V. I haven't watched T.V. for three months except the super bowl and some news clips here and there. It is the best thing that could have happen. Put down that phone of yours stop letting it plan your life for you. If you love to read then only read books that will bring you closer to God. There is so many distractions in todays world that make it so hard. Including how busy we make are ourselves. Some use work to bring happiness well guess what that will never bring you true happiness. Please I beg you stop putting it off you may die as you read this. I want to see everyone of you in heaven if I go there that is. If my walk through life ends up being worthy of such an honor. Don't just leave it to chance do something about. There is no middle ground here your walk through life is either worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven when it comes to earth or you go to hell where there is no love, mercy, happiness, joy, friendship etc.... forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ...... You will want to die but death will never come just pain, suffering and sorrow. I'm probably going to make some people mad with this and it should have been put in earlier but I was honestly afraid to to it in here cause some people may get mad. Paul said in (1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.) Some of us were this things some of us are these things. Some are still working on some of these things. Pray to God ask him about yourself and these things. Repent of them work on ridding yourself of these things. Pray of others to rid themselves of these things or help them. Bring them to there attention if you are so bold. The point is God is serious and he is not messing around. The question is are you messing around and if you are how long are you going to mess around. Stop looking to thins of this world and look to God. Stop putting it off. Dig deep and get to know God so all of our walks can be worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven in the age to come.    

1 comment:

  1. It is very evident how passionate you've become about spreading what you've learned. There's something I'd like to add to your topic of sin and repenting.

    Grace. Without grace, people would be unable to reconcile with God. People cannot earn their way to God: they reconcile with God through grace. Nobody can sin so much that there is not enough grace to cover it.

    In Romans 5:20-21 "where sin increased, grace increased all the more...just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

    It's important to remember that Grace is the key to eternal life with God. We are all sinners. We will never be perfect. And God knows our hearts. Only He will determine who is allowed into Heaven (not a 5% statistic someone probably made up).

    Some people mistakenly believe that grace means that you are no longer accountable for the choices that you make, which isn't true. God wants you to use your grace to share His compassion with the rest of the world.

    Keep on keepin' on, Mark!

    Ang :)
