I been back in Indiana for about a month now. I'm living at my parents house which I have enjoyed thus far. It has been great sending time with them and slowly growing closer to them. It's been great getting to see all my friends as well. I haven't got to reconnect with all of them yet but one by one I am getting to talk to and see them. It's great to see what they've been up to and what there plans are for the future but most of all I'm glad to see that God is working in all there lives. It is an answer to my prayers.
After being in a place where everyone is radically focused on pursuing God then coming to a place where there isn't as much focus on it do to people having many other jobs and responsibilities is takes a bit to adjust. This makes me treasure my time at the International House of Prayer (IHOP) that much more. It truly was a blessing and would recommend it to anyone. It really brought Jesus to life for me and helped understand all that he has and still does for us. I just got a taste of it during my 6 months at IHOP and am looking forward to going back and attending the Forerunner school of Ministry at IHOP. I believe that this is the next step for me on my journey to to partner with Jesus and help direct the next generation to Christ. I don't know how it will all pan out in the future but I know this is what he is calling me to do. I believe that we are all called to do his in some shape or form but all to different degrees of it. Its all a matter of what we say Yes to and where our heart is with that Yes. Now just because someone says Yes to one thing and another person says No to that same thing doesn't make anyone more or less of a follower of Christ it just means that God calls people to different things or areas of partnering with him. I believe the most important thing is where your heart is with the decisions we make. If you can have a peaceful, loving and thankful heart truly with no regrets and you know that you know that you know it is the right thing for you. Then that is what God is calling you to and it my change in the future but for that particular time in your life that is what God is calling to to. I am of course not giving anyone permission to say Yes to anything that is morally or ethically wrong according to what Jesus taught us in the sermon on the mount (Matt 5-7).
So far since I got baptized and made it official that I was going to be a follower of Christ for the rest for my life three years ago it has been great. It has also been the hardest thing I have ever done and I know the deeper I go in following Jesus the harder it is going to get that's just something you have to except. I know the closeness to God through Jesus Christ I receive will far dwarf the sacrifices.
I'm not sure how long I will be in Goshen but I expect it will be a little while. I plan to work and also work on forerunner partnership development which is finding people that will partner with me by committing to pray and/or partner with me financially to help me walk out what God is calling me to. I realize many already know this so sorry if all this is just things you've already heard. That's all for now blessings.
P.S. Sorry for such a long gap in between blogs.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Ninth Blog
Well well long time no blog. I do apologize for allowing so much time to go by in between blogs. I do feel a little obligated at times to share with whoever is interested in what I have to say. I know that the feeling of obligation is not from God. At the same time do not want to cast any opportunity that God has given me to let people know what is going on in my life. You never know how God is using you to help others ever when you have no idea God is using you. I think that when God is using you and you don't know it is the best way in one sense cause then you don't have a chance for that boastful or prideful thought to creep into your head. I would rather walk in humility and meekness any day. In saying this I count it as an honor or a gift from God for him to give me an opportunity to sow into others and possibly bring people closer to God or even to cause people to ask Jesus into there lives for the first time. This is possible only because of the words or thoughts giving to me as a gift from God through the Holy Spirit. I pray that me along with everyone else will never belittle the ways God uses us to bring people to him. Weather it is through words, thoughts or the way we live we should always be aware that we are Gods people and need to try and live how Jesus taught us to. Only by that example will others begin to see what we have in Christ and want the same thing.
Since I started Track 2 seven weeks ago God has called me closer to him. He told me he wants me to give more of myself to him. So I started chasing him harder spending more time in the prayer in between classes and less time with friends. I believe he began to set me apart from the people I had been running after God with during Track 1. He did this not because those I was with before were bad for me but because it was what was necessary so God could impact me in the way that he wanted to. He has been giving me more of his heart, emotions and teaching me how to love him and others as he does. There is to sides to his love one is that mushy gushy love we all like to feel. The other is that love for us that corrects us when we are in the wrong. Its all in an effort to keep us in line with him to make us aware of our sin so we will grow in him and rise us above it. He is a righteous Dad and loves us more than we can even comprehend. This kind of love will then just flow though us to others thus bringing more people to a life with the heart of God at the center. I like to think of it as we are a pipeline and God just flows though us in order to reach as many people as possible. I also like to think of it as a spider web Gods in the center and he gives us the chance to be a part of that web. To partner with him and spread the Kingdom of God that we will rule the earth along side him when heaven comes to earth after the return of Jesus instead of the alternative. Bottom line is no matter how often we might like to think so ( myself included probably more then alot of people cause I like to think it is about me) it is never ever ever ever about you no matter what. Even the gifts God gives us are to give away to others. To pass them on so as many as possible can be brought to the Kingdom of God. So just when you think something you receive a thought, feeling, encouraging words etc... was just for you guess what its not just for you so pass it on cause its for everybody. Well I was really hoping to write more but I've run out of time. Its been a joy may to God be the Glory.
Since I started Track 2 seven weeks ago God has called me closer to him. He told me he wants me to give more of myself to him. So I started chasing him harder spending more time in the prayer in between classes and less time with friends. I believe he began to set me apart from the people I had been running after God with during Track 1. He did this not because those I was with before were bad for me but because it was what was necessary so God could impact me in the way that he wanted to. He has been giving me more of his heart, emotions and teaching me how to love him and others as he does. There is to sides to his love one is that mushy gushy love we all like to feel. The other is that love for us that corrects us when we are in the wrong. Its all in an effort to keep us in line with him to make us aware of our sin so we will grow in him and rise us above it. He is a righteous Dad and loves us more than we can even comprehend. This kind of love will then just flow though us to others thus bringing more people to a life with the heart of God at the center. I like to think of it as we are a pipeline and God just flows though us in order to reach as many people as possible. I also like to think of it as a spider web Gods in the center and he gives us the chance to be a part of that web. To partner with him and spread the Kingdom of God that we will rule the earth along side him when heaven comes to earth after the return of Jesus instead of the alternative. Bottom line is no matter how often we might like to think so ( myself included probably more then alot of people cause I like to think it is about me) it is never ever ever ever about you no matter what. Even the gifts God gives us are to give away to others. To pass them on so as many as possible can be brought to the Kingdom of God. So just when you think something you receive a thought, feeling, encouraging words etc... was just for you guess what its not just for you so pass it on cause its for everybody. Well I was really hoping to write more but I've run out of time. Its been a joy may to God be the Glory.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Eighth Blog
Some came to mind last night after I got done writing that I didn't mention. Then one of my friends left me a comment talking about that word that came to mind so I'm going to take that as conformation from God. I always love feed back so thank you for your comment I hope you all look at the comment mentioning grace on my seventh blog.
This is strait out of Nelson's Compact Bible Dictionary. Grace- Favor or kindness shown without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what the person deserves. Grace is one of the key attributes of God. The Lord God "merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth" (Ex. 34:6). Therefore, grace is almost always associated with mercy, love, compassion and patience.
In the Old Testament, the supreme example of grace was the redemption of the Hebrew people from Egypt and their establishment in the Promise Land. This did not happen because of any merit on Israel's part, but in spite of their unrighteousness (Deut. 7:7-8; 9: 5-6). Although the grace of God is always free and undeserved, it must not be taken for granted. Grace is only enjoyed within the covenant- the gift is given by God, and the gift is received by people through repentance and faith (Amos 5:15). Grace is to be humbly sought through the prayer of faith (Mal. 1:9).
The grace of God was supremely revealed and given in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus was not only the beneficiary of God's grace (Luke 2:40), but was also its very embodiment ( John 1:14), bringing it to mankind for salvation (Titus 2:11). By His death and resurrection, Jesus restored the broken fellowship between God and His people, both Jew and Gentile (meaning us). The only way of salvation for any person is " through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15:11).
The theme of grace is especially prominent in the letters of Paul. He sets grace radically over against the law and the works of law (Rom. 3:24, 28). Paul makes it abundantly clear that salvation is not something that can be earned; it can be received only as a gift of grace (Rom. 4:4). Grace, however, must be accompanied by faith; a person must trust in the mercy and favor of God, even while it is undeserved (Rom. 4:16; Gal. 2:16).
I realize that was a long explanation but I decided rather than pick and choose the to put in out of that book I would just write it all so I hope it is helpful and gives you much confidence knowing that God gives us grace to help us. Without it we would not be able to accomplish even the simplest things. Ask God for grace in everything you do and always make sure you thank him for it.
Heres something that my roommate showed me totally off subject but I thought it was really cool maybe some of you have seen it before. If you take all the names from Adam to Jesus in order and write down there meanings in order it tells a story. So here it is:
Adam Man
Seth is appointed
Enosh a mortal man of
Kenan sorrow!
Mahalalel The glory of God
Jared shall come down
Enoch instructing that
Metheselah His death shall bring
Lamech those in despair
Noah comfort and rest!
Shem The fame of
Arphaxad Babylon's fortress (but I will make Babylon fade away!)
Cainain and sorrow
Shelah extend like a plant
Eber beyond the place of
Peleg division (at the tower of babel)
Ren a friend
Serug also branches out
Nahor enraged
Terah with fury!
Abram A glorious father (Abraham- the father of a multitude)
Isaac laughs
Jacob as He outwits( his enemy)
Levi (then) joins himself to
Kohath an assembly
Amram a glorious
Moses (whom) he rescued,
Gershom stranger(s) in a strange land,
Shebuel captives delivered by God
Judah one who praises the Lord
Perez breaks open a way (into)
Hezron an area surrounded by a wall
Ram of great height
Amminadab O' my people who belong to the prince,
Nahshon a prophet
Salmon clothed
Boaz with strength,
Obed who serves (the Lord)
Jesse is here!
David one well-loved
Solomon peaceful
Rehoboam and who sets the people free
Abijah my father is the Lord
Asa the healer of
Jehoshaphat him who the Lord judged
Jehoram and whom the Lord raised up!
Ahaziah The Lord took hold (of me)
Joash and the Lord is strong!
Amaziah mighty is the Lord!
Uzziah My strength is in the Lord!
Jotham The Lord is perfect!
Ahaz I took hold of
Hezekiah the strength of the Lord.
Manasseh It made (me) forget (my misery)
Amon Truly (I am) the master builder
Josiah whom the Lord healed,
Jehaikim/Eliakim whom the Lord raised up,
Jeconiah whom the Lord appointed,
Coniah upheld
Jehoiachin and will uphold!
Shealtiel I have asked God about
Pedaiah the ransomed of the Lord,
Zerubbabel the exiles who are in Babylon.
Abiud My father is glorious;
Eliakim My God will raise up
Azor a helper
Zadok the just (one)
Akim will the Lord raise up!
Eliud My God is praise
Eleazor God will help!
Matthan May the gift of
Jacob Jacob
Joseph increase (in greatness)
Emmanuel For God is with us
Jesus Christ The Messiah and Savior of
Church those called out of (Babylon)
This is strait out of Nelson's Compact Bible Dictionary. Grace- Favor or kindness shown without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what the person deserves. Grace is one of the key attributes of God. The Lord God "merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth" (Ex. 34:6). Therefore, grace is almost always associated with mercy, love, compassion and patience.
In the Old Testament, the supreme example of grace was the redemption of the Hebrew people from Egypt and their establishment in the Promise Land. This did not happen because of any merit on Israel's part, but in spite of their unrighteousness (Deut. 7:7-8; 9: 5-6). Although the grace of God is always free and undeserved, it must not be taken for granted. Grace is only enjoyed within the covenant- the gift is given by God, and the gift is received by people through repentance and faith (Amos 5:15). Grace is to be humbly sought through the prayer of faith (Mal. 1:9).
The grace of God was supremely revealed and given in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus was not only the beneficiary of God's grace (Luke 2:40), but was also its very embodiment ( John 1:14), bringing it to mankind for salvation (Titus 2:11). By His death and resurrection, Jesus restored the broken fellowship between God and His people, both Jew and Gentile (meaning us). The only way of salvation for any person is " through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15:11).
The theme of grace is especially prominent in the letters of Paul. He sets grace radically over against the law and the works of law (Rom. 3:24, 28). Paul makes it abundantly clear that salvation is not something that can be earned; it can be received only as a gift of grace (Rom. 4:4). Grace, however, must be accompanied by faith; a person must trust in the mercy and favor of God, even while it is undeserved (Rom. 4:16; Gal. 2:16).
I realize that was a long explanation but I decided rather than pick and choose the to put in out of that book I would just write it all so I hope it is helpful and gives you much confidence knowing that God gives us grace to help us. Without it we would not be able to accomplish even the simplest things. Ask God for grace in everything you do and always make sure you thank him for it.
Heres something that my roommate showed me totally off subject but I thought it was really cool maybe some of you have seen it before. If you take all the names from Adam to Jesus in order and write down there meanings in order it tells a story. So here it is:
Adam Man
Seth is appointed
Enosh a mortal man of
Kenan sorrow!
Mahalalel The glory of God
Jared shall come down
Enoch instructing that
Metheselah His death shall bring
Lamech those in despair
Noah comfort and rest!
Shem The fame of
Arphaxad Babylon's fortress (but I will make Babylon fade away!)
Cainain and sorrow
Shelah extend like a plant
Eber beyond the place of
Peleg division (at the tower of babel)
Ren a friend
Serug also branches out
Nahor enraged
Terah with fury!
Abram A glorious father (Abraham- the father of a multitude)
Isaac laughs
Jacob as He outwits( his enemy)
Levi (then) joins himself to
Kohath an assembly
Amram a glorious
Moses (whom) he rescued,
Gershom stranger(s) in a strange land,
Shebuel captives delivered by God
Judah one who praises the Lord
Perez breaks open a way (into)
Hezron an area surrounded by a wall
Ram of great height
Amminadab O' my people who belong to the prince,
Nahshon a prophet
Salmon clothed
Boaz with strength,
Obed who serves (the Lord)
Jesse is here!
David one well-loved
Solomon peaceful
Rehoboam and who sets the people free
Abijah my father is the Lord
Asa the healer of
Jehoshaphat him who the Lord judged
Jehoram and whom the Lord raised up!
Ahaziah The Lord took hold (of me)
Joash and the Lord is strong!
Amaziah mighty is the Lord!
Uzziah My strength is in the Lord!
Jotham The Lord is perfect!
Ahaz I took hold of
Hezekiah the strength of the Lord.
Manasseh It made (me) forget (my misery)
Amon Truly (I am) the master builder
Josiah whom the Lord healed,
Jehaikim/Eliakim whom the Lord raised up,
Jeconiah whom the Lord appointed,
Coniah upheld
Jehoiachin and will uphold!
Shealtiel I have asked God about
Pedaiah the ransomed of the Lord,
Zerubbabel the exiles who are in Babylon.
Abiud My father is glorious;
Eliakim My God will raise up
Azor a helper
Zadok the just (one)
Akim will the Lord raise up!
Eliud My God is praise
Eleazor God will help!
Matthan May the gift of
Jacob Jacob
Joseph increase (in greatness)
Emmanuel For God is with us
Jesus Christ The Messiah and Savior of
Church those called out of (Babylon)
Monday, April 4, 2011
Seventh Blog
Well Track One of Intro to IHOP is over. I've been here for three months now and can say that just in these three months my life has been completely changed. God has spoken to me given me strength, confidence, reassured me of who I am, started to reveal his plans for me, started to reveal himself to me, taken care of all my needs, he has opened my eyes to how he works in my life, he has answered many of my prayers. The in time all my prayers will be answered. After all his heart is my heart so the things that are on my heart to pray for are really things that are on his heart. So all I have to do is ask for the things that our on this heart and of course he will answer them and bring them to pass because they are in line with his heart and his will.
By the way one of my roommates moved out cause he got married. So if anybody knows anyone looking into trying out IHOP for a season I got a place you can stay.
I really want to thank everyone for all the support you have giving me here and back in Indiana. I miss everybody back home so much wish we could hang out friends and family hope you are all doing well. There one of my friends that spoke more words of encouragement to me during the hardest times of getting to where I am today. This was during the time when I first stopped drinking. Everybody around me gave me tons of support and respected my decision and I am eternally greatful to all. This one friend how ever gave me more confidence then any other friend. His name is Brandon Chupp and I know he will probably not read this so someone pass it on to him for me. Brandon and I have been friends for 15 years but have known each other since elementary school. Our journeys thought life have been identical in many ways. We have been through many good times together and many bad times together. I have made many mistakes regarding our friendship. Not to mention all the other mistakes I've made in life we can talk about that another time. I hope Brandon can forgive me for the mistakes I've made and trust that everything will work out one way or the other. The only part of life that Brandon has not been a big part of is the part of life I'm going through now. Brandon is one of the most hard working, strong and fun loving people I know. He is also not afraid to do anything and is very smart. I can only pray that Brandon will use these gifts along with all the others God gave him to chase after God and devote his life to God.
With that being said it has been on my heart for some time now since before I came to IHOP even. To all my friends, family and even people I never really got along with. I pray (Ephesians 1: 17-19) I keep asking that the God of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope in which he has called you, the riches of the glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe....
For the most part this prayer means that I am asking God to give you understanding of his heart, mind and will. to understand his inner most thoughts. So that you will team up with him and walk with him. Also that you may understand who you are in Christ. How much he loves you and desires you and wants you to rule with him in the next age when Heaven comes down to earth. Also that you would understand the power that you have as a follower of Christ to change the nations with your prayers, heal the sick, the gift of prophesy which is extremely important when it comes to hearing God. These are only a few of the gifts that are available to us. (John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.)
Coming to know God more has brought me more joy and hope then I could ever imagine. However coming to know God has also brought a great burden to me. This burden involves everyone I've come to know in my life. This unquestionable reality of heaven and hell really makes you think not only about yourself but even more so about others. Lustful thoughts really are the same thing as adultery hate really is the same thing as murder etc... God isn't messing around here you may think you are going to heaven maybe you are but I invite you to ask God to bring anything to mind that he has against you. If nothing comes to mind you are being deceived by satan ask again. Even those that have been believers for years. I heard a statistic not to long ago that probably 5% of all the people in history went to heaven. How sure are you that you will go to heaven. We always need to be checking ourselves asking God to speak to us and guide us. The moment you think your good probably means you are being deceived by satan. Jesus died for us and that is exactly what God wants us to do for him. I realize that most of the people that will read this already believe but still need to search themselves me included. The people I am most concerned with will probably never read this. I am speaking of those who either believe there is a God but do not live according to what Jesus taught or have must of a spiritual relationship with him or ones who just don't believe at all. This is where prayer comes in cause sometimes we can't reach people so we rely on God to do it by asking him for it. So I ask you to pray for others every weekly, daily or just when ever they come to mind. It doesn't have to be long just pray what in your heart and believe that what is in your heart is exactly what God wants you to pray. Then believe beyond a doubt that God will answer it. You may not see results right away but rest assured God is working on them on the inside so keep praying. God will give you little hints that he is working in there lives. Think who do you know that looks for happiness in things that are not of God T.V., drugs,sex, indulgence in food etc... God wants us to look to him for happiness on all occasions. It may not bring instant happiness like some things give us but that instant happiness isn't true happiness it is only to mask our true feels. Gods happiness may take a little longer sometimes but its cause God is helping us work through things so in turn we are stronger and can help other people. Sometimes if it is pain in our hearts God allows us to feel it so we remember that pain that way we might not do what ever cause that pain in the first place. Who has anger, bitterness, hate, jealously in there lives? Pray for them.
I realize what I am writing may be a bunch of disconnect thoughts but I hope I am making sense and not jumping all over the place to much. I am just writing this stuff as is comes to mind so bare with me I don't have much idea of where this started or where it will end up.
This stuff has just really been a burden on my heart. I can't express the joy it would bring me if the people that have been apart of my life could share the amazing journey I'm on. You don't have to be here to join me either you can do it from where even you are. Just devote time to God except that he is in control and give your life to him. One of the things that will help the most is get rid of your T.V. I haven't watched T.V. for three months except the super bowl and some news clips here and there. It is the best thing that could have happen. Put down that phone of yours stop letting it plan your life for you. If you love to read then only read books that will bring you closer to God. There is so many distractions in todays world that make it so hard. Including how busy we make are ourselves. Some use work to bring happiness well guess what that will never bring you true happiness. Please I beg you stop putting it off you may die as you read this. I want to see everyone of you in heaven if I go there that is. If my walk through life ends up being worthy of such an honor. Don't just leave it to chance do something about. There is no middle ground here your walk through life is either worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven when it comes to earth or you go to hell where there is no love, mercy, happiness, joy, friendship etc.... forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ...... You will want to die but death will never come just pain, suffering and sorrow. I'm probably going to make some people mad with this and it should have been put in earlier but I was honestly afraid to to it in here cause some people may get mad. Paul said in (1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.) Some of us were this things some of us are these things. Some are still working on some of these things. Pray to God ask him about yourself and these things. Repent of them work on ridding yourself of these things. Pray of others to rid themselves of these things or help them. Bring them to there attention if you are so bold. The point is God is serious and he is not messing around. The question is are you messing around and if you are how long are you going to mess around. Stop looking to thins of this world and look to God. Stop putting it off. Dig deep and get to know God so all of our walks can be worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven in the age to come.
By the way one of my roommates moved out cause he got married. So if anybody knows anyone looking into trying out IHOP for a season I got a place you can stay.
I really want to thank everyone for all the support you have giving me here and back in Indiana. I miss everybody back home so much wish we could hang out friends and family hope you are all doing well. There one of my friends that spoke more words of encouragement to me during the hardest times of getting to where I am today. This was during the time when I first stopped drinking. Everybody around me gave me tons of support and respected my decision and I am eternally greatful to all. This one friend how ever gave me more confidence then any other friend. His name is Brandon Chupp and I know he will probably not read this so someone pass it on to him for me. Brandon and I have been friends for 15 years but have known each other since elementary school. Our journeys thought life have been identical in many ways. We have been through many good times together and many bad times together. I have made many mistakes regarding our friendship. Not to mention all the other mistakes I've made in life we can talk about that another time. I hope Brandon can forgive me for the mistakes I've made and trust that everything will work out one way or the other. The only part of life that Brandon has not been a big part of is the part of life I'm going through now. Brandon is one of the most hard working, strong and fun loving people I know. He is also not afraid to do anything and is very smart. I can only pray that Brandon will use these gifts along with all the others God gave him to chase after God and devote his life to God.
With that being said it has been on my heart for some time now since before I came to IHOP even. To all my friends, family and even people I never really got along with. I pray (Ephesians 1: 17-19) I keep asking that the God of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope in which he has called you, the riches of the glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe....
For the most part this prayer means that I am asking God to give you understanding of his heart, mind and will. to understand his inner most thoughts. So that you will team up with him and walk with him. Also that you may understand who you are in Christ. How much he loves you and desires you and wants you to rule with him in the next age when Heaven comes down to earth. Also that you would understand the power that you have as a follower of Christ to change the nations with your prayers, heal the sick, the gift of prophesy which is extremely important when it comes to hearing God. These are only a few of the gifts that are available to us. (John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.)
Coming to know God more has brought me more joy and hope then I could ever imagine. However coming to know God has also brought a great burden to me. This burden involves everyone I've come to know in my life. This unquestionable reality of heaven and hell really makes you think not only about yourself but even more so about others. Lustful thoughts really are the same thing as adultery hate really is the same thing as murder etc... God isn't messing around here you may think you are going to heaven maybe you are but I invite you to ask God to bring anything to mind that he has against you. If nothing comes to mind you are being deceived by satan ask again. Even those that have been believers for years. I heard a statistic not to long ago that probably 5% of all the people in history went to heaven. How sure are you that you will go to heaven. We always need to be checking ourselves asking God to speak to us and guide us. The moment you think your good probably means you are being deceived by satan. Jesus died for us and that is exactly what God wants us to do for him. I realize that most of the people that will read this already believe but still need to search themselves me included. The people I am most concerned with will probably never read this. I am speaking of those who either believe there is a God but do not live according to what Jesus taught or have must of a spiritual relationship with him or ones who just don't believe at all. This is where prayer comes in cause sometimes we can't reach people so we rely on God to do it by asking him for it. So I ask you to pray for others every weekly, daily or just when ever they come to mind. It doesn't have to be long just pray what in your heart and believe that what is in your heart is exactly what God wants you to pray. Then believe beyond a doubt that God will answer it. You may not see results right away but rest assured God is working on them on the inside so keep praying. God will give you little hints that he is working in there lives. Think who do you know that looks for happiness in things that are not of God T.V., drugs,sex, indulgence in food etc... God wants us to look to him for happiness on all occasions. It may not bring instant happiness like some things give us but that instant happiness isn't true happiness it is only to mask our true feels. Gods happiness may take a little longer sometimes but its cause God is helping us work through things so in turn we are stronger and can help other people. Sometimes if it is pain in our hearts God allows us to feel it so we remember that pain that way we might not do what ever cause that pain in the first place. Who has anger, bitterness, hate, jealously in there lives? Pray for them.
I realize what I am writing may be a bunch of disconnect thoughts but I hope I am making sense and not jumping all over the place to much. I am just writing this stuff as is comes to mind so bare with me I don't have much idea of where this started or where it will end up.
This stuff has just really been a burden on my heart. I can't express the joy it would bring me if the people that have been apart of my life could share the amazing journey I'm on. You don't have to be here to join me either you can do it from where even you are. Just devote time to God except that he is in control and give your life to him. One of the things that will help the most is get rid of your T.V. I haven't watched T.V. for three months except the super bowl and some news clips here and there. It is the best thing that could have happen. Put down that phone of yours stop letting it plan your life for you. If you love to read then only read books that will bring you closer to God. There is so many distractions in todays world that make it so hard. Including how busy we make are ourselves. Some use work to bring happiness well guess what that will never bring you true happiness. Please I beg you stop putting it off you may die as you read this. I want to see everyone of you in heaven if I go there that is. If my walk through life ends up being worthy of such an honor. Don't just leave it to chance do something about. There is no middle ground here your walk through life is either worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven when it comes to earth or you go to hell where there is no love, mercy, happiness, joy, friendship etc.... forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever ...... You will want to die but death will never come just pain, suffering and sorrow. I'm probably going to make some people mad with this and it should have been put in earlier but I was honestly afraid to to it in here cause some people may get mad. Paul said in (1 Corinthians 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.) Some of us were this things some of us are these things. Some are still working on some of these things. Pray to God ask him about yourself and these things. Repent of them work on ridding yourself of these things. Pray of others to rid themselves of these things or help them. Bring them to there attention if you are so bold. The point is God is serious and he is not messing around. The question is are you messing around and if you are how long are you going to mess around. Stop looking to thins of this world and look to God. Stop putting it off. Dig deep and get to know God so all of our walks can be worthy of ruling along side Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven in the age to come.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sixth Blog
I just realized today that it's been a month since I've written anything on my blog. It was brought to my attention by my friend Amy. So I thought maybe I better write something although I have no idea what to write. I'm just gonna start typing and see where it goes.
It was a dark and stormy night the wind was howling like a wolf at a full moon. Rain and sleet where pouring down and thunder and lightning crashes as if the sky was going to spit open. I was on my way back from the prayer room when I got caught up in this storm that came in like the snap of a finger. I was traveling up hill and the water and ice rushing down the sides of the street where I was walking was like a river of water coming down from a melting glacier. I didn't know if I could make it but I knew I had to try. If not for my sake then for the sake of the children. Suddenly a big gust of wind hit me with the force of a train and I was swept away in the river of ice. As I went down the river unable to stop myself I saw I was about to be washed across the road straight in front of on coming traffic. Then all at once a lightning bolt came down and struck a tree up ahead causing it to fall. I knew it was my only chance if could just reach and grab on to a branch I could stop myself from being swept out in the road in front of the oncoming vehicle. As I drew closer I wondered if I was going to be able to reach it. It was a long shot but I had to try it was my only hope. Now just 15 feet away I reach out with my left hand in desperation to stop myself as the head lights of the oncoming vehicle bared down on me blinding me. I felt the branch went to clinch it with all the strength I had left and ok thats enough of that story not bad though right? Tell me were you in to it at all did I get your blood pumping. I the very least I hope you found some humor in it.
God has really been moving in peoples lives around here. God is pouring more wisdom, knowledge and understanding into me. God has spoke through five people from friday night to saturday night to me. Feb. 25 and 26. They ranged from words of encouragement (to press into God deeper especially when I'm distracted or don't want to do something cause that probably means God is about ready to reveal new truth and the enemy is trying to stop it) to words about my calling ( nothing specific though just enough to give me a glimpse). Friday night was another awesome EGS service it during worship it was like we were at a concert or something. By the time we were done worshiping God people where so pumped no one wanted to stop. Everybody standing up front (which is like two hundred people including myself ) and I have no idea how many standing at there seats ( which is another maybe 900 guessing) started saying JESUS JESUS JESUS over and over. The message was great giving me a deeper understanding of sacrifice Jesus made to take on the flesh. Which meant having to endure all the pain, suffering and doubt that humans do. I mean he is God but he became man to come and not only teach us but offer himself as the one and only truly pure sacrifice. In order to pay the debt for our sins that we now are forgiven of (as long as you except him into your life and ask him for forgiveness). That we may rise as his inheritance as his spotless bride to become part of the trinity (father, son, holy spirit) and rule with him in the new age. He didn't have to subject himself to become man and go though all that pain and suffering. Just think about it when he became man he couldn't just talk to God he had to pray and wait on the holy spirit to come to him. He had to build faith in God. Jesus came from hanging out with God side by side having no weakness. He gave that up to become man and have to deal with physical pain, hunger, having to sleep, doubt, being mocked, etc... He did it because he loves us in ways that can never be measured. The least we can do I thanks which is still not enough is follow, honor, love and worship him.
After the message we worshiped got in the spirit and God healed like eight people or something maybe more it was awesome. The next morning I woke up and felt what I am calling fully anointed partially do to the words I got the night before I believe ( you know who you are back in Goshen). I had a feeling of complete satisfaction. It felt so good I got suspicious and thought maybe it was something not of God because I just wanted stay in bed. Not because I was tired but it just felt so right. I made a n turkey and cheese omelet which was perfect got showered and dressed then headed to the prayer room. This was at 12:00 p.m. I sat in the prayer room worshiped, prayed and did some bible study. This is not always easy cause you know who is always trying to distract you but today it was no problem ( just for the record worshiping, praying and bible study really is work in case some of you may think I'm on a vacation its not). Its basically all I do go ahead try it see how long you last before your mind starts to wonder or you think of something that you have to do instead etc.. there is alot of ways you can lose focus. Its all more then worth it though to get to become ever closer to God (forgive me if this is boasting) . I was informed earlier that I had to find a different ride to the CEC ( children's equipping center where I help out with 8-12 year olds no sunday mornings) because she was taking a personal day. So I was like ok God who do I know that lives close that helps out during first service. So I got out the of numbers and looked through it. I decided that after the prayer room I would head over to the coffee shop and figure it out before I head to the FCF service. I got up to go and there was chris he wanted know if I was interested in coming over to his house to have burritos for dinner with him and this wife amy ( fellow ihop'ers). I you know me at all you know how much I love food and how much I eat. For some reason (God) I decided to stick with my previous plan. I also had an apple and two clementines I could snack on. I walked out the door and saw a couple I knew lived close and knew my house would be on their way in the morning. I thought maybe I should ask them even though I had only said hi to them once in passing. I asked them if they could give me a ride in the morning but they don't help out during first service. As I was going through the doors to go outside I said to myself ok God if that wasn't it then who should I ask. As soon as I stepped outside I saw a guy that helped out the same time I did sunday morning. I asked him and he said yes it was even on this way just what I was looking for. Then went into the coffee shop sat down and pretty quick this couple for Montana walked in and sat down with me. This is a couple that was originally from Oklahoma which is where my dad and of course grandma and grandpa are from. The wife remembered her mom speaking of a minnie she knew from way back when. This turned out to be my grandma small world huh. I got a chance to talk to them more and get to know them better. My point is one of the prophetic words that was given to me was go to where you have to rely on God and he will meet you there. I realize this is on a small scale but he totally did. If i would have went over to chris and amy's I would have never had those conversations. I didn't even have to call anyone for a ride I asked and God answered and I got to talk to that couple.
That night at the FCF (forerunner christian fellowship) it was a great service like the night before. After the message we did the usual worship and pray for each other. I was standing up front with the big crowd and some people came up and started prophesying over me. They were giving me all kinds of encouraging words (AWESOME). Then I prayed for some people and went to sit down. I got back up after a little bit and decided I should go pray for some more people. I went to the crowd and saw know one that didn't have at least one person praying for them. I stood there for a moment listening to some of the testimonies of healing being told on stage. A kid came up and asked if I was waiting for prayer. I told him not really I had already been prayed for. He asked if he could pray for me if he could pray for me too. I said yeah if you want ( tip never turn down prayer). He started praying and pretty soon he says that he just feels like I'm soaring. He was right remember I've been walking in the glory of God all day. When I told him he was right on he got excited and a big smile appeared on his face. He continued to pray and asked if I knew what my calling was. I told him It wasn't crystal clean but God had been given me little hits. Then he told me that he sees me setting up my tents in my calling and standing firm. More people came up to me and started prophesying over me it was crazy. One guy said he sees me as a David a real giant killer. Then he made it clear that he wasn't meaning to boast me up but just wanted me to understand that God is building me up. Showing me who he is pouring wisdom, knowledge, understanding and love into me. He said God is revealing what the enemy does in me life and how he tries to work against me. If I can see that I can better avoid the enemy. God is doing this not just to bring me closer to him but to mature me in my faith and understanding of who God is. He said I am going to stand very strong in my faith and I will walk in that faith my whole life. Then he said God will reveal things to me when the time is right and to just keep saying yes to him. This is especially meaningful to me because no one has ever went into as much detail. Like calling me a David my confidence has really grown after all the ways I have seen God working that day and I know it is just going to get better.
The next day which was sunday I was in the prayer room. We were all taking part in intercession pray for Egypt when they called a rapid fire prayer. This is when anybody who wants to goes up and says a 10 to 15 second prayer on the mic. The leaders encourage this so we get used to praying in front of crowds. So I go up having no idea what I'm going to say so I asked God to give me a prayer. He did of course this is so awesome to me because I have never been able to hear God this clearly and know beyond a doubt it is him and from him.
Today we had an all staff meeting which includes interns. There were speakers from Africa, Egypt and they had a video from Haiti. First in Cairo, Egypt they had a video of this rally going on very recently that started out as a non christian rally. At some point and time the man that was speaking to us and some other followers of christ started praying and worshiping God. It turned into a christian rally of over 500,000 people. this is amazing we are talking Muslims and christians worshiping the same one and only God we do. These people even started going to the christian church. This is a perfect example of prayers being answered. This is what we have been praying for. God is also rising up people in Africa we are talking a prayer meeting that started out with four people has grown to thousands. In Haiti some women decided to start a prayer meeting and it's grown to 12,000. There is many more houses of prayer rising all over the world. This is so amazing because this is what God said he would do. He is raising up his people to carry out his plans and we are all a part of it.
Mike Bickle is traveling to sole, Korea where 100 or so for the senior pastors from around the world will gather. Mike is one of the speakers and he will be talking about combining prayer with music in the spirit with intimacy with God which is what we do here and is breaking out across the globe. This is huge cause it will spark more houses of prayer across the globe. Please pray for Mike for god to protect him give him wisdom, knowledge, understanding,strength, favor that kind of thing. He ids leaving no Feb. 23 or 24 and will be gone for three weeks.
I feel like I've been walking in the glory of God if anyone needs direction take three or six months and come to here your life will be changed forever. Come to a conference or they have something called weekends at IHOP. Start a prayer meeting with music in the spirit and in intimacy with God. There is a house of prayer in Elkhart, Indiana. I encourage you to check the website internationalhouseofprayer.com the link is at the top left hand corner of this blog site in case you have not seen it. You don't have to go through IHOP but I encourage you to really dig deep into the bible and to familiarize yourself with what Gods plan is and what God is doing in the world right now. Also what are part is in it all. If you are already aware of it great tell some else. This is not an IHOP thing its worldwide and I believe its only going to get bigger.
By the way I grabbed on to the branched stopped myself from being washed in front of traffic and made it home safely. The End.
It was a dark and stormy night the wind was howling like a wolf at a full moon. Rain and sleet where pouring down and thunder and lightning crashes as if the sky was going to spit open. I was on my way back from the prayer room when I got caught up in this storm that came in like the snap of a finger. I was traveling up hill and the water and ice rushing down the sides of the street where I was walking was like a river of water coming down from a melting glacier. I didn't know if I could make it but I knew I had to try. If not for my sake then for the sake of the children. Suddenly a big gust of wind hit me with the force of a train and I was swept away in the river of ice. As I went down the river unable to stop myself I saw I was about to be washed across the road straight in front of on coming traffic. Then all at once a lightning bolt came down and struck a tree up ahead causing it to fall. I knew it was my only chance if could just reach and grab on to a branch I could stop myself from being swept out in the road in front of the oncoming vehicle. As I drew closer I wondered if I was going to be able to reach it. It was a long shot but I had to try it was my only hope. Now just 15 feet away I reach out with my left hand in desperation to stop myself as the head lights of the oncoming vehicle bared down on me blinding me. I felt the branch went to clinch it with all the strength I had left and ok thats enough of that story not bad though right? Tell me were you in to it at all did I get your blood pumping. I the very least I hope you found some humor in it.
God has really been moving in peoples lives around here. God is pouring more wisdom, knowledge and understanding into me. God has spoke through five people from friday night to saturday night to me. Feb. 25 and 26. They ranged from words of encouragement (to press into God deeper especially when I'm distracted or don't want to do something cause that probably means God is about ready to reveal new truth and the enemy is trying to stop it) to words about my calling ( nothing specific though just enough to give me a glimpse). Friday night was another awesome EGS service it during worship it was like we were at a concert or something. By the time we were done worshiping God people where so pumped no one wanted to stop. Everybody standing up front (which is like two hundred people including myself ) and I have no idea how many standing at there seats ( which is another maybe 900 guessing) started saying JESUS JESUS JESUS over and over. The message was great giving me a deeper understanding of sacrifice Jesus made to take on the flesh. Which meant having to endure all the pain, suffering and doubt that humans do. I mean he is God but he became man to come and not only teach us but offer himself as the one and only truly pure sacrifice. In order to pay the debt for our sins that we now are forgiven of (as long as you except him into your life and ask him for forgiveness). That we may rise as his inheritance as his spotless bride to become part of the trinity (father, son, holy spirit) and rule with him in the new age. He didn't have to subject himself to become man and go though all that pain and suffering. Just think about it when he became man he couldn't just talk to God he had to pray and wait on the holy spirit to come to him. He had to build faith in God. Jesus came from hanging out with God side by side having no weakness. He gave that up to become man and have to deal with physical pain, hunger, having to sleep, doubt, being mocked, etc... He did it because he loves us in ways that can never be measured. The least we can do I thanks which is still not enough is follow, honor, love and worship him.
After the message we worshiped got in the spirit and God healed like eight people or something maybe more it was awesome. The next morning I woke up and felt what I am calling fully anointed partially do to the words I got the night before I believe ( you know who you are back in Goshen). I had a feeling of complete satisfaction. It felt so good I got suspicious and thought maybe it was something not of God because I just wanted stay in bed. Not because I was tired but it just felt so right. I made a n turkey and cheese omelet which was perfect got showered and dressed then headed to the prayer room. This was at 12:00 p.m. I sat in the prayer room worshiped, prayed and did some bible study. This is not always easy cause you know who is always trying to distract you but today it was no problem ( just for the record worshiping, praying and bible study really is work in case some of you may think I'm on a vacation its not). Its basically all I do go ahead try it see how long you last before your mind starts to wonder or you think of something that you have to do instead etc.. there is alot of ways you can lose focus. Its all more then worth it though to get to become ever closer to God (forgive me if this is boasting) . I was informed earlier that I had to find a different ride to the CEC ( children's equipping center where I help out with 8-12 year olds no sunday mornings) because she was taking a personal day. So I was like ok God who do I know that lives close that helps out during first service. So I got out the of numbers and looked through it. I decided that after the prayer room I would head over to the coffee shop and figure it out before I head to the FCF service. I got up to go and there was chris he wanted know if I was interested in coming over to his house to have burritos for dinner with him and this wife amy ( fellow ihop'ers). I you know me at all you know how much I love food and how much I eat. For some reason (God) I decided to stick with my previous plan. I also had an apple and two clementines I could snack on. I walked out the door and saw a couple I knew lived close and knew my house would be on their way in the morning. I thought maybe I should ask them even though I had only said hi to them once in passing. I asked them if they could give me a ride in the morning but they don't help out during first service. As I was going through the doors to go outside I said to myself ok God if that wasn't it then who should I ask. As soon as I stepped outside I saw a guy that helped out the same time I did sunday morning. I asked him and he said yes it was even on this way just what I was looking for. Then went into the coffee shop sat down and pretty quick this couple for Montana walked in and sat down with me. This is a couple that was originally from Oklahoma which is where my dad and of course grandma and grandpa are from. The wife remembered her mom speaking of a minnie she knew from way back when. This turned out to be my grandma small world huh. I got a chance to talk to them more and get to know them better. My point is one of the prophetic words that was given to me was go to where you have to rely on God and he will meet you there. I realize this is on a small scale but he totally did. If i would have went over to chris and amy's I would have never had those conversations. I didn't even have to call anyone for a ride I asked and God answered and I got to talk to that couple.
That night at the FCF (forerunner christian fellowship) it was a great service like the night before. After the message we did the usual worship and pray for each other. I was standing up front with the big crowd and some people came up and started prophesying over me. They were giving me all kinds of encouraging words (AWESOME). Then I prayed for some people and went to sit down. I got back up after a little bit and decided I should go pray for some more people. I went to the crowd and saw know one that didn't have at least one person praying for them. I stood there for a moment listening to some of the testimonies of healing being told on stage. A kid came up and asked if I was waiting for prayer. I told him not really I had already been prayed for. He asked if he could pray for me if he could pray for me too. I said yeah if you want ( tip never turn down prayer). He started praying and pretty soon he says that he just feels like I'm soaring. He was right remember I've been walking in the glory of God all day. When I told him he was right on he got excited and a big smile appeared on his face. He continued to pray and asked if I knew what my calling was. I told him It wasn't crystal clean but God had been given me little hits. Then he told me that he sees me setting up my tents in my calling and standing firm. More people came up to me and started prophesying over me it was crazy. One guy said he sees me as a David a real giant killer. Then he made it clear that he wasn't meaning to boast me up but just wanted me to understand that God is building me up. Showing me who he is pouring wisdom, knowledge, understanding and love into me. He said God is revealing what the enemy does in me life and how he tries to work against me. If I can see that I can better avoid the enemy. God is doing this not just to bring me closer to him but to mature me in my faith and understanding of who God is. He said I am going to stand very strong in my faith and I will walk in that faith my whole life. Then he said God will reveal things to me when the time is right and to just keep saying yes to him. This is especially meaningful to me because no one has ever went into as much detail. Like calling me a David my confidence has really grown after all the ways I have seen God working that day and I know it is just going to get better.
The next day which was sunday I was in the prayer room. We were all taking part in intercession pray for Egypt when they called a rapid fire prayer. This is when anybody who wants to goes up and says a 10 to 15 second prayer on the mic. The leaders encourage this so we get used to praying in front of crowds. So I go up having no idea what I'm going to say so I asked God to give me a prayer. He did of course this is so awesome to me because I have never been able to hear God this clearly and know beyond a doubt it is him and from him.
Today we had an all staff meeting which includes interns. There were speakers from Africa, Egypt and they had a video from Haiti. First in Cairo, Egypt they had a video of this rally going on very recently that started out as a non christian rally. At some point and time the man that was speaking to us and some other followers of christ started praying and worshiping God. It turned into a christian rally of over 500,000 people. this is amazing we are talking Muslims and christians worshiping the same one and only God we do. These people even started going to the christian church. This is a perfect example of prayers being answered. This is what we have been praying for. God is also rising up people in Africa we are talking a prayer meeting that started out with four people has grown to thousands. In Haiti some women decided to start a prayer meeting and it's grown to 12,000. There is many more houses of prayer rising all over the world. This is so amazing because this is what God said he would do. He is raising up his people to carry out his plans and we are all a part of it.
Mike Bickle is traveling to sole, Korea where 100 or so for the senior pastors from around the world will gather. Mike is one of the speakers and he will be talking about combining prayer with music in the spirit with intimacy with God which is what we do here and is breaking out across the globe. This is huge cause it will spark more houses of prayer across the globe. Please pray for Mike for god to protect him give him wisdom, knowledge, understanding,strength, favor that kind of thing. He ids leaving no Feb. 23 or 24 and will be gone for three weeks.
I feel like I've been walking in the glory of God if anyone needs direction take three or six months and come to here your life will be changed forever. Come to a conference or they have something called weekends at IHOP. Start a prayer meeting with music in the spirit and in intimacy with God. There is a house of prayer in Elkhart, Indiana. I encourage you to check the website internationalhouseofprayer.com the link is at the top left hand corner of this blog site in case you have not seen it. You don't have to go through IHOP but I encourage you to really dig deep into the bible and to familiarize yourself with what Gods plan is and what God is doing in the world right now. Also what are part is in it all. If you are already aware of it great tell some else. This is not an IHOP thing its worldwide and I believe its only going to get bigger.
By the way I grabbed on to the branched stopped myself from being washed in front of traffic and made it home safely. The End.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fifth Blog
The other day all of the people in track one of the intro program got prophetic words spoken over them including me of course. It wasn't like they were going to tell you your future or anything. The goal was to tell us this that God wanted us to know by speaking though them. It was awesome to sit there in front of people and have them tell you things that have been on your heart or when they say something that someone else has already told you is really cool cause you know if it came from two different people it was definitely God speaking though them. One thing that more then one person told me was that I am very strong like a pillar and have a strong foundation to build on. More recently someone told me they saw me as a tree and my roots went so far down into the ground they it amazed them. I'm taking that as I am deeply rooted in Christ because of the choices my parents made to make God a part of there lives and because of the choices there parents made to have God be apart of there lives. I'm not sure about my grandparents parents but I'm pretty sure they were well rooted in Christ and so on. My point is that I'm so greatful to have family that chose to give themselves to Christ. To me this is key where would I be if it wasn't for that probably dead. You know it just amazes me how God just snatched me up out of my life of death. It also makes me think of the story of the prodigal son in the bible. I turned away from my parents and God for 12 years and tried to go my own way. I put them though much pain and suffering to put it lightly and who were the first people to always help me when everything I was doing caught up to me. Despite what some people may have told my parents to do they helped me out in any way they could because they had that same love that God has for his children inside of them of me. That undying love that no matter what happens it never goes weak in fact I believe it just grows stronger. Now imagine if my parents wouldn't have been so well rooted in God. Imagine if there parents would have been so well rooted in God and if there parents hadn't been rooted in God. Then what? Where would you turn for comfort in those hard times? Where would you turn for guidance in those hard times? Who would pick you up when you fall? I guess you would just have to try and make it on your own. You would have to pick yourself up, but lets just be honest about this. You can't pick yourself up go ahead try it. It really does sound ridiculous even kind of funny when you think about it. This is why its so important to spread the Word of God to others and pass it on. Don't just live life acting like God isn't there cause he is whether you realize it or not. I didn't realize it for 12 years that it was God speaking to me so I just ignored it. Instead of listening I just did what made me happy at that min. in my life. Once I stopped filling myself with drugs God ambushed me. It was his first chance in years to talk to me when I had a clear head for an extended period of time. I began to realize the thoughts in my headed were God and I would be much better off if I listened to him. Its not like my way of doing things got me anywhere to begin with so I mean what did I have to lose. Anyway back to passing on Gods Word to others. Many already know this but it's been on my heart for awhile now. We are headed into a very scary time with less and less people knowing God everyday. I believe it's largely because of the anything goes attitude. We all just keep letting things slide by and keep putting God aside saying "yeah we'll get back to that God thing later". Don't get me wrong I did it and Thank you Jesus for waking me up and giving me parents that stayed strong and didn't give up. What about the kids growing up now who the heck is going to teach them about God. So many parents have kids when they didn't want them and aren't ready to be parents yet. I mean how is someone who doesn't know who they are suppose to guide and teach a baby how to live. Abortions not the answer we can't kill Gods kids how would you like it if someone killed your kid. There not our kids to begin with Gods just entrust them to us. To raise them and instill Gods Word in them. Not to mention all the kids that live in broken homes and the orphans. Thats right I played the orphan card. I mean there is so many kids that need help that we could all have are hands full with trying to be parents to other kids that are not our own. This kids are going to be running the world one day. Things are already so corrupt imagine whats in store when people with no religious background and nothing to keep them in check like Gods Word start running things. Somebodies got to turn this around we are responsible for the generation under us. What are we going to say to God when we meet him in heaven and he ask you why you didn't spread his words to the generation below you. After all it is our part in the partnership with God to do this. I know one or two can't turn it around we will all have to could together. If you don't already maybe start reading the bible it is the number one best seller of all time you know and their is a reason for that. It contains the greatest knowledge ever known to man. Everything you need to know about living a truly happen and abundant life is in there. One of the most amazing things is that it was written thousands of years ago and everything in there still holds true today. If you don't know where to start go to the new testament and start with Matthew. Don't speed through it either there is no do date on this. I promise you will be amazed just ask God for the words to touch your heart. Then find someone to ask questions and talk about it with them. Then just reach out to others you won't even have to say anything your actions speak louder than words. Then pray ask for strength and guidance. The more you put into yourself the more God will use you. Maybe go and volunteer somewhere to help out with kids or the homeless or even your friends. Cook dinner for someone take a kid to a movie just spend some time with them. You have no idea how you may impact there lives. Imagine how good it will feel when you go to heaven and God says job well done. To save this next generation we first have to allow God to save us. If we can get to this kids the number unplanned and unwanted pregnancies will drop because the kids will have the right foundation to make better decisions and say no to it and the things that lead up to it. I just had to get that off my chest. God Bless you all. I'm done for now.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Fourth Blog
Every Tuesday we have something called The Revelation Quiz. It is "surprise surprise" over what we've learned about the book of Revelation so far. Its set up like a game show Jeopardy to be more exact. They don't give you the answer and you give the question though. Its the other way around, but there is categories and different points amounts ( not money I wish) for each question. Teams one and two com-peat the first week and so on. I'm on team two so we had to go the first week we had it. This is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because only have one weeks of notes to study. Curse because you have no idea of what to expect as far as what types of questions they will ask and how far in depth the questions will be. We did end up winning but it wasn't what I would consider a pretty victory even though we did kick there butts. It's double elimination winners play winners and losers play losers every week till theirs two teams left which of course play for the championship. The winning team gets free tuition for a year ( yeah right). I don't think you get anything. Who knows maybe a T-shirt.
A holocaust surviver came in and shared his life story with us he was a young child during that time. Actually he was still in his mothers womb when she was taken to one of the death camps. The Nazis' would usually take the fetus out of the women and throw it in an oven (unimaginable and cruelty I know). With the exception of the few they kept to do experiments on. This man (Peter Loth) was one lucky or unlucky ones how ever you want to look at it. His story was disturbing, seriously I thought I knew about the things that went on at those deaths camps. I was wrong there are things that went on that I had know idea about. Most of the people listening felt the same way. People were crying some had to leave the room so if you think you know all about it think again chances are you don't. The reason he came to talk about it was to teach us about forgiveness. Thats right you think forgiving people is hard. Imagine trying to truly forgive the Nazis' and then ask God to Bless them. What wrong you feel people have done to you forget about there is on way it could compare. So suck it up put you big boy or girl pants on at forgive them and ask God to Bless them. If you don't then how is God suppose to forgive you. It will get in the way of you aligning or connecting your heart with God through Jesus Christ.
We are getting ready to start a class called Pure Heart. It is designed to examine your heart and search it for issues that you have trouble with even if you don't realize it yet. Things that may have happened to you in the past the you never dealt with properly. The nickname for the class is Puree Heart. I'm excited to see what things I have that I may have suppressed. People say it's a painful class to go through, but is happy they went through it knowing they are better for having done it. This is all in an effort to get rid of all the junk the keeps us for becoming the person God wants us to be. Sorry if anyone is tired of me talking about God just try and open up to it.
The people here are great. I've made a bunch of friends already. Everybody is very willing to give me rides to wherever. That to me is a huge deal not just because don't have a license, but because I love it when people are so will to help out. It's something that you can't find just anywhere since people are becoming more and more selfish. I feel many people take other peoples kindness for granted. The people that give me rides not only take places when I ask, but if I don't see them they call or text me to make sure I have a ride. Now that is awesome and you can't beat that. Oh wait you can beat that and some did by having me over for lunch or inviting me to dinner. I know they probably just feel bad for me or think I can't take care of myself for whatever reason, but I'm sure and least a little part of them might actually like me. I hope at least. There's one couple Chris and Amy they are both a little younger not much though. In fact Chris 29 and Amy well I won't say some women don't like to tell people there age, but she is younger then Chris. They are from Austin, Texas and have been married for three years. They are one of my main means of transportation and are awesome people fun to hang out with and talk to, have great sense of humors, have huge hearts and they are seriously perfect for each other. I'm not just saying this because I know their going to read this either I mean it. They are in my group thats how I meet them. Then there are Zac and Kim they take me to class in the morning. I don't know how old they are I guess the 40's though. They are from New Orleans or Norlens however you wish to say it. Kim as the biggest heart in the world she loves to pray for people. Zac has a big heart too and he is a great cook too. Christine is Chinese she's younger then me not sure how much though. Christine is an artist so thats awesome I have yet to see any of her paintings though. She's a cool girl very,smart and great sense of humor and see takes me to church on Sun. and sometimes gives me rides to and from the prayer room. Our group leader is also named Zac he used to be in a band now he's married with kids. He's a great leader he gives us alot of encouragement and pushes us to get out of our comfort zones, which is exactly what I need. There is so many other great people here I could write a book on it, but I won't I'll spare ya. Thats enough for now hopefully next time I can write a little about what God is doing inside me. Email me or just leave a comment if they is anything specific you have questions about or something specific you want me to write about. Till next time.
A holocaust surviver came in and shared his life story with us he was a young child during that time. Actually he was still in his mothers womb when she was taken to one of the death camps. The Nazis' would usually take the fetus out of the women and throw it in an oven (unimaginable and cruelty I know). With the exception of the few they kept to do experiments on. This man (Peter Loth) was one lucky or unlucky ones how ever you want to look at it. His story was disturbing, seriously I thought I knew about the things that went on at those deaths camps. I was wrong there are things that went on that I had know idea about. Most of the people listening felt the same way. People were crying some had to leave the room so if you think you know all about it think again chances are you don't. The reason he came to talk about it was to teach us about forgiveness. Thats right you think forgiving people is hard. Imagine trying to truly forgive the Nazis' and then ask God to Bless them. What wrong you feel people have done to you forget about there is on way it could compare. So suck it up put you big boy or girl pants on at forgive them and ask God to Bless them. If you don't then how is God suppose to forgive you. It will get in the way of you aligning or connecting your heart with God through Jesus Christ.
We are getting ready to start a class called Pure Heart. It is designed to examine your heart and search it for issues that you have trouble with even if you don't realize it yet. Things that may have happened to you in the past the you never dealt with properly. The nickname for the class is Puree Heart. I'm excited to see what things I have that I may have suppressed. People say it's a painful class to go through, but is happy they went through it knowing they are better for having done it. This is all in an effort to get rid of all the junk the keeps us for becoming the person God wants us to be. Sorry if anyone is tired of me talking about God just try and open up to it.
The people here are great. I've made a bunch of friends already. Everybody is very willing to give me rides to wherever. That to me is a huge deal not just because don't have a license, but because I love it when people are so will to help out. It's something that you can't find just anywhere since people are becoming more and more selfish. I feel many people take other peoples kindness for granted. The people that give me rides not only take places when I ask, but if I don't see them they call or text me to make sure I have a ride. Now that is awesome and you can't beat that. Oh wait you can beat that and some did by having me over for lunch or inviting me to dinner. I know they probably just feel bad for me or think I can't take care of myself for whatever reason, but I'm sure and least a little part of them might actually like me. I hope at least. There's one couple Chris and Amy they are both a little younger not much though. In fact Chris 29 and Amy well I won't say some women don't like to tell people there age, but she is younger then Chris. They are from Austin, Texas and have been married for three years. They are one of my main means of transportation and are awesome people fun to hang out with and talk to, have great sense of humors, have huge hearts and they are seriously perfect for each other. I'm not just saying this because I know their going to read this either I mean it. They are in my group thats how I meet them. Then there are Zac and Kim they take me to class in the morning. I don't know how old they are I guess the 40's though. They are from New Orleans or Norlens however you wish to say it. Kim as the biggest heart in the world she loves to pray for people. Zac has a big heart too and he is a great cook too. Christine is Chinese she's younger then me not sure how much though. Christine is an artist so thats awesome I have yet to see any of her paintings though. She's a cool girl very,smart and great sense of humor and see takes me to church on Sun. and sometimes gives me rides to and from the prayer room. Our group leader is also named Zac he used to be in a band now he's married with kids. He's a great leader he gives us alot of encouragement and pushes us to get out of our comfort zones, which is exactly what I need. There is so many other great people here I could write a book on it, but I won't I'll spare ya. Thats enough for now hopefully next time I can write a little about what God is doing inside me. Email me or just leave a comment if they is anything specific you have questions about or something specific you want me to write about. Till next time.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Third Blog
So the couple that take me to class every morning were a little worried last week because they needed to put gas in there car, but didn't really have money to pay for it. They were talking about it one day on the way to class. They were praying that a support check would come in that they were expecting that day. I probably should have just offered to fill there tank just to be nice and they were obviously in need. I am on there way to where we go to class just thought so I don't absolutely obligated to give them money for gas just because they take me. It was in the morning too so maybe I just wasn't tuned in to what was going on either. In any case I didn't really say much at the time. Back to the point of the story. When got to class I was sitting there waiting for class to start and I over heard Zac ( the husband of the couple that take me) say that Kim his wife didn't have even enough money to get a coffee so Corey ( the main guy in charge of us) paid for it. At that moment I thought of a roll of dimes I had been carry around in my bag that I had gotten back in Goshen from my friend Coraya for getting something at the gas station for her. I don't carry cash so this was all I had. So I got it out and gave it to Zac and told him to use it for gas. He didn't want to take at first, but then I assured him that I would be fine without it. Now there something in the bible about whatever you give you will receive twice its value in return. Weather its in the form of money, knowledge etc..... The class started and I didn't put another thought into it. Break time came and I went out to go to the restroom. When I came back and sat down I looked and there was a ten dollar bill slipped in one of my books like a bookmark. I kinda looked around wondering where the heck that came from. No one was near me. Say what you want maybe someone heard the conversation from before or maybe God put it on someone's heart to give me ten dollars, but one thing for sure it was definitely God at work. I was thinking man if this is going to happen maybe I'll give more money away and keep give it away until I can retire off the money that God has given me. I haven't tested this theory out yet but that would be great if it worked.
The church services here a little different then you typically see in Goshen, In. Here there is a service fri. and sat. night where IHOP allows the worship time to go for an hour and a half or so. It starts out with singing then leads into asking for more of the Holy Spirit or God's presence to come. When get so incredibly filled with the Holy Spirit a couple things my happen. People start to laugh uncontrollably (people call this being filled with the wine of jesus), they will shake or some will just fall to the ground. So I was standing up front with two hundred other people worshiping and praying for God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. Also that God would give me the gift of praying in tongues. All at once someone came up and started praying for me. At first they put there hand on my shoulder and prayed. then they decided to put his hand on my head and next thing I know I'm on the ground. More people came up and started praying for me while I was on the ground and now I have the gift of praying tongues. I guess the Holy Spirit just knocked me up side the head it was crazy I really can't explain it to you except it was the warmest, safest, purest filling I've ever experienced. After the leaders feel like the Holy Spirit is really thick in there they start calling off things that they fill God has told them he will heal. Those people raise there hands and other people gather around and pray for them. Sometimes they get healed sometimes they don't. Just to give you some idea though multiple people do get healed every time. Some are minor like a pain in there leg that goes away. Some of the more incredible ones if you will (even though one is not greater then the other)are. Allergic reactions to food gone and now the person can eat whatever he wants. A persons legs being different lengths now the same. People with chronic back pain for ten years some there whole life is now healed. A girl with a detached retina can now see. Thirty five years of arthritis pain gone. Thats just a couple it happens all the time around here and if your doubting weather its real or not it is these are people that I go to class with. Then after that stuff Mike Bickle preaches the message.
Sorry gotta go I'll write more on about my friends here and how IHOP is preparing me for life and following what God has in-store for me next. I just get off on typing about other things and next thing you know I gotta be somewhere. K later on.
The church services here a little different then you typically see in Goshen, In. Here there is a service fri. and sat. night where IHOP allows the worship time to go for an hour and a half or so. It starts out with singing then leads into asking for more of the Holy Spirit or God's presence to come. When get so incredibly filled with the Holy Spirit a couple things my happen. People start to laugh uncontrollably (people call this being filled with the wine of jesus), they will shake or some will just fall to the ground. So I was standing up front with two hundred other people worshiping and praying for God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. Also that God would give me the gift of praying in tongues. All at once someone came up and started praying for me. At first they put there hand on my shoulder and prayed. then they decided to put his hand on my head and next thing I know I'm on the ground. More people came up and started praying for me while I was on the ground and now I have the gift of praying tongues. I guess the Holy Spirit just knocked me up side the head it was crazy I really can't explain it to you except it was the warmest, safest, purest filling I've ever experienced. After the leaders feel like the Holy Spirit is really thick in there they start calling off things that they fill God has told them he will heal. Those people raise there hands and other people gather around and pray for them. Sometimes they get healed sometimes they don't. Just to give you some idea though multiple people do get healed every time. Some are minor like a pain in there leg that goes away. Some of the more incredible ones if you will (even though one is not greater then the other)are. Allergic reactions to food gone and now the person can eat whatever he wants. A persons legs being different lengths now the same. People with chronic back pain for ten years some there whole life is now healed. A girl with a detached retina can now see. Thirty five years of arthritis pain gone. Thats just a couple it happens all the time around here and if your doubting weather its real or not it is these are people that I go to class with. Then after that stuff Mike Bickle preaches the message.
Sorry gotta go I'll write more on about my friends here and how IHOP is preparing me for life and following what God has in-store for me next. I just get off on typing about other things and next thing you know I gotta be somewhere. K later on.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Second Blog
The International House of Prayer really is an amazing place especially when you start to understand what this place is really all about. I knew it was devoted to 24/7 prayer and to truly coming in connection with God, but there is an amazing prophetic history behind it that takes place over the past thirty years. I have only heard bits and pieces of it so far, but by the end of the internship I'm sure I will know it well. I'll try to give you a quick overview of some of the things that have happen over the years. A prophet back In 1983 came to Mike Bickle (creator of ihop) and started talking about visions see saw and things that were going to happen. Mike thought the guy was off his rocker at first. So the prophet told Mike that on a specific date a comet would be seen that even the scientists of the world would not know about. Sure enough on the exact day the prophet said he showed up at Mike's office with a newspaper (not sure which one or where it even occurred) that read on the front page about a comet shooting across the sky that no scientist knew about or even existed. I guess that got Mike's attend cause after that he started listen to what the prophet had to say. One vision this prophet had he talked of see people somewhere in China in a field watching a hand held television that had no wires in the middle of a field and they were watching song birds sing. Keep in mind this is back in the early 80's when nothing of that nature was even thought about. Today you can watch the Prayer Room at IHOP on your mobile phone where you want to including a field in China. The song birds are the men and women singing prayers in the Prayer Room 24/7. That is just the tip of the ice burg as they say. Mike Bickle explains the whole thing on a cd or dvd called Encountering Jesus I have it, but have not had time to watch it yet. I believe its 9 or 10 one hour sessions and even then he cut some of the stories short to try and save time. You might be able to find it on the internet if anyone was interested. I've heard things about drout, flooding and other kind of natural occurances. I suggest you look in to it it sounds very interesting. Right now they are talking about going from 500 to 5,000 over night and they just recently hit 500 interns/students then 5,000 people where displaced from there homes because of the mississippi river flooding. That was in the prophesy too buy the way. So they are expecting some to happen very soon again could be tomarrow. Please try and take all of this with an open mind. It really is crazy thats why I can't wait to learn about the thing. IHOP is based upon the idea of the tabernacle of David. God said he would bring in back in the end times but this time to all the nations. That is what they believe IHOP's purpose is and it was said that it will become a whole city of prayer. Anyway I was asking God the other night if I should be making more of an effort to meet more people and all at once the words spend time with me popped in my head. So I believe it was God telling me not to worry about friends he will take care of that for me. That I should just send time with him. I thought that was pretty cool. Its probably the clearest I've ever heard him. Till the next day that is when an intern of IHOP was praying for me. He came up touched my chest. When did I praying to myself as he began to pray that God would speak through him. At that moment I think he started praying in tongues. Afterwards he told me God gave him a vision of me sitting in the back seat of a car God was driving. I asked him if we were there yet. He turned around and said not yet, but not to worry he is driving and we will be there soon. That confirmed to me that I was in the right place and not to worry. He is driving and he will get me to where he wants me to be safely. It sounds a little crazy for me to be writing things like this to some, but I am certain it is God speaking to me. On the lighter side of things I've been meeting many new people. I've got four different people that will take me places and there are many more where that came from. We got bout 8 inches of snow last night. People were freaking out cause some here have never really been in snow before. The school ended up canceling classes today. I did end up going to the Prayer Room in the afternoon though. I really wish I would brought a sled theres some great hills around here. I've been learning about consecration(the channel or avenue we use to connect with God). I've also been reading about prayer and fasting. So I'm going to start doing that as a way to become closer to God. Don't spread it around I'm pretty sure your suppose to do it in secrecy:). I've also being learning how to keep engaged while being in the prayer room for four hours at a time. Today I listened to a cd called the Purity Covenant. We all have to make a commitment of seven things we will do in order to keep us clean of sexual immorality. Its something new the people at IHOP felt God was telling them to do to hold everybody accountable for each other. One thing we had to do was put software on are computer that would keep track of the websites we go to. It then sends an email to one one the leaders if there were any questionable sites visited. One more thing I forgot IHOP is a world wide prayer movement and they are they very clear when they tell us we are a part of it now. It is no accident that we are here at this time so it does get me excited to think about being a part of something that is suppose to grow into something bigger then we can imagine. Something that is part of God's plans for the future. Don't I will keep asking questions to make sure I don't get caught up in the hiep (not sure about that spelling). Anyways talk to you later. God Bless
Monday, January 17, 2011
First Blog
Hello everyone this is where I live in Kansas City. I have four roommates three upstairs and one in the basement. My room is also in the basement. The one downstairs with me is going to the school of music at IHOP. He plays saxophone, guitar, I even heard him making up some rhymes the other day. He is one of those people who can pick an instrument and play it. Must be nice. He's 18 and his name is Micheal. Upstairs we got Shane who is 35 and used to be a plumber. He just finished the same program I'am in (Intro to IHOP) and is just staying here till he figures out what he is going to do next. Next we got James he is 39 and he was a medical student before he came here. I think he is going to return to the medical field, but maybe something around here if he can. He's from California and also went through kind of an Intro program , but it wasn't quite as in depth as the program I'am doing. Finally we got Chris he is 52 and about to get married so he will be moving out soon. Chris went through the Simeon Company program which is like Intro, but is for people 50 and over. As for me I case someone reads this who doesn't know me. My name is Mark Yoder and I'am from Goshen, In. I insulated houses for the past nine years. Two and a half years ago I was forced by Elkhart county to change my ways of partying. At the time I was not happy, but it has turned out to be the best thing that has happened to me. It lead to me making big changes in my life and the most important thing excepting Jesus into my heart and being saved. There is alot more to my previous life may be will share at some other time. Ever since I was saved I have wanted to go deeper in God's word and find out what it was all about. How I could learn to truly hear God and live my life how he wants me to live it. I want to experience the miracles that are talked about in the bible first hand. Finally after two years of thinking about it and trying to figure out where God wants me to go I find myself here in Kansas City,MO. at the International House of Prayer. It took alot of work to get every in order to come here ( renting my house, quiting my job etc...). I'm here now and know it was the right choice. I got some pretty crazy looks and alot of questions when I told people. I figure if people give my crazy looks and don't quite understand why. I must be on the right track since no one really understands how God works anyways. I got alot of support also. In fact I could have never made it changing my life and definitely not made it here with all the love and support I got from my wonderful friends and family. If any of you read this( you know who you are) I want you to make sure you know how important you have and I can't put into words how greatful I am for everything you've done for me. On one has helped me more then my parents. They've stuck with me through good times and bad and are the best parents anyone could ever hope to have.
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